Thank you for all of your hard work and negotiation skills to bring this sale to a close. But what we are really thankful for is your pleasant manner and professionalism throughout the whole process from day 1 to finish. It was especially nice of you to drive up to Vermont for the closing making sure it went smoothly.
We wish you and your family the best and perhaps we'll see you in the islands!
Related Services

The Oil & Gas Advisor’s Pricing Strategy Opinion is a superior real world/real sale decision tool. It is an owner’s best first step to prepare to sell a business.
The Pricing Strategy Opinion is cost effective compared to formal business appraisals. It is ideal for business owners needing a practical market outlook to selling their going concern.
Formal appraisals have their value in “arming for battle” in litigation, divorces and tax strategies. A Pricing Strategy Opinion, on the other hand, is designed specifically to prepare business owners to sell their business. It provides a critical real-world decision tool, so the owner is highly informed on market value expectations. It is practical, not theoretically objective. It helps ensure no money is left on the table when the deal is done. It lets business owners make sound value decisions before risking exposure in the market.
The Oil & Gas Advisor team has qualified appraisers in-house as well as affiliations with leading certified appraisers for certified business appraisals. Our team has completed numerous business appraisals. Also, we offer litigation support and court-approved expert witness testimony on oil and gas issues and business valuations.
Value benchmarking is similar to a Pricing Strategy Opinion, but with a different goal. Benchmarking helps owners track their business value, understand value obstacles and create strategies to build transferable business value.
The Oil & Gas Advisor’s pros are at your service for outsourced business development to enhance your business value. We are ready to design the approach, facilitate your sessions and work with you to ensure great results.
We cut our teeth on business strategy at fledgling entrepreneurial enterprises and Fortune 100 corporations.
Capabilities include:
- Process Design
- Background Research
- Business Analysis
- Financial Analysis
- Facilitation
- Documentation
- Coordinate Execution
We customize an approach to your needs, limiting our roles where we make the most effective contribution to you as business owner. With Oil & Gas Advisors at your side, you keep your focus on running your company. The power stays in your hands. You are assured experts are working to help build your business, representing your best interests and achieving your objectives.
Our M&A brokers are highly experienced in searches to uncover businesses to acquire, often ones that may not be on the market. Our job is to expand and enhance a business owner’s acquisition effectiveness. Our team is your business development team to design and carry out a successful acquisition strategy:
- Acquire an identified target company
- Find and acquire a business(es) for your maximum advantage
We will create and implement a custom plan for your business development: effective, efficient and valuable to you.
For a no-obligation, private consultation or to learn how our capabilities can energize your strategic business development – Contact The Oil & Gas Advisor.
Client Comments
I admit my initial instincts were to be a bit skeptical of your agendas, but I quickly realized your values did not allow for you to be anything other than straightforward and to seek out the best interests ... thankful for your guidance and efforts ... you made the experience more palatable than I could have imagined.
Paragon Associates
We really appreciated your efforts. There is no way we could have completed the transaction without your help.